Core Nutritionals MULTI
Nailing a completely balanced diet every day, one that contains the full spectrum of essential and non-essential vitamins and minerals alike, would be amazing. It would be even better if everyone did that. In that case, the often-quoted but little understood claim of many “gurus” that a vitamin supplement is unnecessary would be correct.
But that’s not the case, not at all. In fact, research shows that most people – yes, even you, the fit person reading this – do not eat a balanced diet. Many people lack critical nutrients from their diet, either by absence (not eating them at all) or by over- or under-consuming other trace minerals or vitamins necessary for the original vitamin’s homeostasis. The result, in either case, is a vitamin and mineral environment that could and can be optimized.
For that reason, we’ve formulated Core MULTI. Like the typical diet, when we looked around the industry at existing multi-vitamin offerings, we found critical defects: too much of this, too little of that, and so on. So, we set out to alter that arrangement and formulate a multi with ingredients included in specific proportions to maximize synergy and minimize redundancy.
The result is a formula not only with 100% (and often more) of almost all your essential vitamins and minerals, but also a broad-spectrum antioxidant blend antioxidant blend (Spectra™), berberine HCL, and numerous trademarked forms of vitamins and minerals. If you need a broad range of essential vitamins and minerals in sufficient amounts and in the most efficient forms, then Core MULTI is for you.