Blackstone Labs Abnormal
We have taken our time-tested, unique precursor formula and applied it to 19-NorDHEA, the precursor to 19-Norandrostenediol (19-Nor Andro). Through this channel, Abnormal will deliver that good to your body at a 95% rate of bioavailability, making sure that almost none of this gets wasted. Treat yourself!
Norandrostenediol is the realest deal when it comes to anabolics, boasting a potent 6:1 androgenic ratio. This means that Norandrostenediol is 6 times more anabolic than testosterone, 6 times the level of muscle-building goodness, 6 times the unbound mutant growth you want so badly.
Normally, products like this have very time-sensitive windows in which to be taken. For us, though, we are not afraid to deviate from the norm, which is why we have spent countless hours researching and developing our signature ester delivery system. This allows for sustained release of 19-NorDHEA, throughout your entire cycle. We added these esters to the molecule as a means to control its release. This eliminates the need to manually dose over the course of the day on a rigid, unyielding time table. No more alarms, no more wasted potential lost to missing dosage windows. Just simply take one at some time in the morning, and then again at some point in the evening.
Did we also mention that Abnormal, like its cousins Brutal 4ce and Chosen1, is NON-METHYLATED. This means that it is NO WAY toxic to your liver, unlike other similar products in the past and can be cycle for up to 8 weeks safely!